Shane’s Bail Bonds
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Bail Bondsman Johnson County

When you or a loved one has been arrested on criminal charges, the first step in the legal process is to go before a judge. During the first appearance or hearing, the judge will tell you the exact charges against you and will set bail. Bail is the amount of money that is required to pay the court to hold in exchange for allowing you out of jail until your trial. Bail is a way for the court to be sure that you will return for your case.
Sometimes the bail for minor crimes is preset. This means that you can post the money immediately in order to avoid going to jail. Most people don’t have the money available in their bank account to post bail so they need help from a reputable bail bondsman in Johnson County.
How a Bail Bondsman in Johnson County Can Help
If you are like many people, you don’t have a lot of money sitting in your bank account. If not, you won’t have the money to pay to get your loved one or yourself out of jail. When you put money down for bail it is a guarantee that you will show up to court. If you return for your hearing or trial dates the money will be refunded to you, but if you fail to show up the court will keep your money and issue a warrant for your arrest.
The amount of bail is generally commensurate with the severity of the crime. In addition, the court can take any previous convictions or behaviors into consideration when setting bail. When you need the money to pay for bail you can turn to a bail bondsman in Johnson County.
Your Johnson County bail bondsman will post the required bond, which is generally 10% of the required bail. This is certainly one good option for those who simply don’t have the cash available to get themselves or their loved ones out of jail.
What You Need to Know About Bail
It is important to realize that when you get help from a bail bondsman in Johnson County it is a loan commitment. You will need to repay the entire amount of the bond if you forfeit it by not returning to court for your scheduled appearances. If you do return as you are supposed to do, the court will refund the bond at the end of the period of time.
The bail bondsman will get repaid when the money is returned. However, you will still need to make sure that you pay for any administrative fees, interest fees, or any other charges that are part of the requirement when you set up the agreement with the bail bondsman.
Your Johnson County bail bondsman can be of great help to you and your family. The bail bondsman will make the payment to get you out of jail immediately once you make the agreement. Then, you or your loved one will be free to go in accordance with the conditions of your release.

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